Healthy Living

What You Should Know About Microblading Healing Process

Portrait cosmetology procedures of pretty young woman in beauty salon. Dermatology procedure, botox eyebrows, hands in blue glows, at work, healthcare, therapy, beauty, rejuvenation.

Fuller and luscious eyebrows are known to enhance facial features. However, not everyone is blessed with well-defined brows. For them, Brows Microblading Treatment is an excellent option! Save yourself the hassle of putting on makeup every day, and gain confidence in your natural eyebrows instead! Many people are turning to microblading for this exact reason—it’s an increasingly popular method for achieving eyebrow definition without having to use cosmetics constantly.

Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup technique that has seen recent international popularity. With the help of a handheld tool, pigment is applied to the skin in fine, individual strokes resembling natural brow hairs. This process has been used for over four decades and continues to be refined.

People new to the microblading community often ask about the healing process. Here, we provide a day-by-day explanation of what to expect. Find out below!

Why Is There A Healing Process After Microblading?

Microblading is designed to affect only the epidermis and dermis, penetrating the skin to a depth of 0.08mm to 0.15mm. Compared to human hair, which typically has an average diameter of 0.017mm to 0.18mm, this low depth helps ensure that pigment deposits in the right area while limiting side effects in the surrounding tissue.

The depth of the microblading cut is very similar to a hair strand. Microblading can cause slight bleeding within that depth, which is actually required for the pigment to adhere properly. So it’s important to make sure a microblading expert uses the right amount of pressure and depth when performing this treatment.

In order to create natural-looking eyebrows, the microblading technique utilizes hundreds of fine cuts on the skin. This slicing process results in controlled damage of the skin cells – allowing for pigment retention between regenerating cells, which helps determine how long the eyebrow color will last. The microblading healing process takes advantage of our skin’s natural ability to heal itself and should be done properly in order for optimal retention.

Day-By-Day Microblading Healing Process

When it comes to the microblading healing process, you can anticipate a timeline of up to 40 days in total and six weeks post-procedure for follow-up. Furthermore, maintenance visits are recommended annually. For an overview of what you can expect day by day following the microblading procedure, check out the following breakdown:

Day 1: Right After Your First Procedure

Upon completing the first microblading procedure, you may have mixed emotions. It’s understandable to be excited about your new eyebrows, but also somewhat nervous about the outcome once the swelling has gone down. This is a natural response; it’s common for eyebrows to appear thicker and much darker post-treatment.

Following your procedure, redness, slight bleeding, tenderness, and some pain may occur. These are all expected reactions during the healing process and should subside over time. It’s critical to be informed about these possible side effects.

Days 2–5: Following the Microblading Procedure

Shortly after your Brows Microblading Treatment, the area may start to scab and become itchy. However, it’s vital that you resist the urge to scratch, pick, or peel the hard scabs. This will ensure proper healing of the area and allow for optimal results from the treatment.

It’s important to keep the area clean and dry in order to minimize any scarring. To help with the healing process, you should use a cotton swab and a small amount of ointment, which should be applied carefully and with clean hands. Make sure not to miss any of the finer details when applying the ointment, as they may be hidden.

Days 7-10: After the Brows Microblading Treatment

Approximately, one week after undergoing a microblading procedure, you may observe your skin naturally starting to flake and scab. Avoid picking or scratching at the healing area. Rather, allow your skin to heal on its own. As the scabs start to peel away, it is possible for the pigment in the treatment area to become patchy as some of the pigment tends to peel off with it.

As your skin heals, you may find that the pigment in your eyebrows looks lighter than expected. It’s important to be patient and allow time for your recovery process.

Days 14-21: Following the Microblading Appointment

Once the initial microblading procedure is complete, you can resume your usual skincare and makeup habits. For around two weeks, your brows will not be fully waterproof; however, by the end of that period, they’ll start to become darker and appear more natural. At this point, you’ll be able to enjoy the fully-healed results.

Days 30-40: The Healing Cycle Comes to an End

The healing process will be completed approximately one month after the initial appointment. The eyebrows will feel softer and more natural, while the pigmentation may still appear patchy–this can be corrected through subsequent visits. Ultimately, the results should look significantly better than before treatment was administered.

Days 42: The 6-Week Follow-Up Visit

The last six weeks have been a long journey, but you have now arrived at the final leg. During your follow-up appointment with your artist, any necessary adjustments will be made to ensure that you get the lasting results of microblading for your brows. The outcome of this process is why so many people prefer microblading over other options.

At this stage of the brow reshaping process, the experts have a solid understanding of what your brows will look like. Depending on your preferences, the color of the pigment can be altered, and the shape tweaked if desired. The follow-up procedure can take approximately one hour to complete, after which you’ll enter a healing period that typically only lasts five to seven days.

Day 365: The Annual Touch-Up Visit

At the conclusion of the 6-week follow-up, your newly microbladed eyebrows are expected to last for a period of 6 to 12 months. While occasionally some fading may occur, requiring a touch-up annually will provide a renewed appearance.

However, the duration of a touch-up procedure’s effects is largely dictated by an individual’s skin type. People with dry or normal skin are likely to experience their desired coloration for an extended period of time, while those with oily or combination skin may need to schedule more regular touch-ups. In any case, it’s important to assess one’s individual needs when determining how often touch-ups should be performed.

What Must I Abstain From Doing While Healing?

Post-microblading requires extra precaution. Keep the area dry for up to 10 days following the procedure, including refraining from applying any lotion, water, soap, or makeup directly onto your brows. When washing your face, do so carefully and avoid getting any water into the treated area. For a more thorough cleanse, take baths instead of showers to keep your face from direct contact with the showerhead stream.

By adhering to these precautions during the healing process of Brows Microblading treatment in North Vancouver, you can ensure successful microblading results. You can schedule an appointment with the experts to know-more! Apart from microblading, you can also get in touch with us for media-aesthetic treatments and permanent hair removal in North Vancouver.

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